Our work on preparing high Fock states in a HBAR is on the ArXiv
Take a look at our work on preparing high Fock states in a bulk resonator using optimal control strategies
Mechanical qubit paper in Science
Our work on making a mechanical qubit is now published in Science
Yiwen wins the Latsis University Prize
Yiwen was awarded the 2024 Latsis University Prize for ETH Zürich at a ceremony in Geneva on October 17.
Quasiparticle paper in PRL
Our paper "Quasiparticle Dynamics in a Superconducting Qubit Irradiated by a Localized Infrared Source" appeared in PRL
Our work on squeezing in a nonlinear oscillator is published in Nature Physics
Take a look at our recent results on combining squeezing and Kerr-nonlinearity in a mechanical resonator to prepare non-Gaussian states of motion.